COViD-19 is a Game Changer for Digital Health Transformation in Belgium

Copyright: © 2021

Volume: 32

Issue: 182

Article: Editorial

Pages: 3

ISSN: 1105-9311

EISSN: 2623-4785


In December 2019, health authorities in Wuhan, China, reported a cluster of patients with pneumonia of unknown cause. A new type of coronavirus has been identified as the cause. Since then, the epidemic has spread to many countries on all continents. The corona pandemic has put just about every vital social component in trouble, especially testing the limits of our health care systems. But there was also a major impact in many economic sectors that were obliged to cease their activities from the first lockdown. After more than 15 months of crisis with a long-term curtailment of personal freedoms, the psychosocial consequences are now also incalculable. The length of the lockdowns, the disappearance of social contact and the constant delay of perspective take their toll the longer, the more.