Introduction: Hospitalization of critically ill patients in the ICU is one of the most expensive areas of hospital care. Aim: The creation of a variable cost prediction model for hospitalized patients in ICU. Material and method: A retrospective observational study was carried out, using the bottom-up costing methodology. The study sample consisted of 204 hospitalized patients in the 7-bed ICU of 251 AGH, from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017. The demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients were recorded and the variable cost of hospitalization was accurately calculated, through an analytical recording of all the resources required for their treatment. Multivariable linear regression was implemented to investigate the impact of variables, derived from a systematic review conducted on determinants of intensive care costs. Gender, age, length of stay, APACHE II severity scale, type of patient (medical/surgical), and renal replacement therapy were used as independent variables. The average total daily cost of hospitalisation and the average daily costs of laboratory tests, medication, and consumables were used as dependent variables. Results: An increase in APACHE II by one unit and length of ICU stay by one day is associated with an increase in total daily cost by 2.74% and 1.82% respectively, while an increase in age by one year with a decrease of 0.4 %. A medical patient shows 11.62% higher total daily cost than a surgical patient, while renal replacement therapy increases the cost by 79.49%. Conclusions:Variable ICU cost is related to gender, age, severity scale,type of event and need for renal replacement therapy.