The aim of this project is to study software applications of cloud Hospital Information Systems. In an effort to cover the ever-growing need for computing resources, combined with the need to achieve economies of scale, cloud computing technologies can contribute to the creation of cloud computing infrastructure. In addition, the integration of fragmented medical information and access when needed, leads to the need for upgrading and evolving Hospital Information Systems using cloud computing technology.
The main concern of this project is to emerge the benefits that will arise for healthcare professionals and citizens who are the final recipients of health e-services. The existing information systems of the Hospital “Korgialenio – Benakio” are presented and the problems on data security, availability of electronic services and the cost of supply and maintenance of electronic infrastructures are identified. Next, an approach to adopt cloud computing technology from these information systems is made through a specific operational action plan.
The material of the study was the Greek and international literature, as well as the data being kept in the Informatics and Organization Department of the Hospital “Korgialenio – Benakio”.
According to the results, cloud computing incorporates technologies that promises to drastically reduce the cost of operating and maintaining hardware and soft- ware, bringing economic and business benefits to the health sector. Data security and confidentiality issues concerns users, who seem reluctant to fully accept these new technologies. However, cloud computing service providers are constantly trying to confront security uncertainties and challenges in an attempt to make cloud computing the most secure operation platform of information infrastructures.