Employee motivation is a complex process and crosses many disciplinary boundaries, including economics, psychology, organizational development, human resources management and sociology.
The purpose of this research is to investigate attitudes of health professionals on work related issues and to the extent to which they motivate them to improve performance and increase productivity. The motivation factors for healthcare professionals, which could serve as drivers for improving their performance according to their particular individual and work characteristics, are sought.
The results of the present study are in accordance with Herzberg’s theory of two factors, which suggests that motivation is strongly related to the satisfaction from the professional achievements. Motivating factor “co-workers” is related to social needs such as the sense-of-being part or belonging, support, relevance and admittance at the workplace. It is a hygiene factor as even not motivating, it satisfies the employees. An employee seems to be more affected by quality and nature of inter professional behavior and collaboration than by other parameters.