Introduction: The Surgery Waiting List establishment, three years ago, at the National Health System (NHS) was a project limited in recording the problem, that is to say at the constant flow issue of patients from rural areas to the large urban hospitals and the long waiting times for surgical procedures.
The rapidly changing healthcare sector requires a continuous innovation and quality improvement of healthcare services delivery. To this direction, Cloud Computing technology adoption contributes crucially, providing access in data information at anytime and from anywhere. Moreover, enables healthcare organizations to meet up with new requirements for data exchange and to ensure the proper management of resources.
Purpose: We aim to use Cloud Computing technology for shorten waiting times for surgical procedure and to propose the creation of a platform, which provides realtime access to the Surgery Waiting List and collaborates with the existing online health services in country.
Material – Method: We examined the Surgery Waiting Lists of various hospitals and observed that these are presented by a static form, are not updated on a regular basis, and do not reflect the progress of the procedure. After studying the data contained in the lists, according the provisions of the Ministry of Health, we designed the proposed, dynamic Surgery Waiting List. Moqups software was used to simulate the application. The platform is developed in Cloud Computing, with accordance of law and the Regulation EU 2016/679 (GDPR). The Cloud Analyst software helped us for simulation in operation.
Results: The dynamic Surgery Waiting List we propose offers the monitoring of waiting times in real time, with automatic updates. The benefits of using cloud computing services is that resources are provided on-demand and deliver faster processing of data.
Conclusions: The results were encouraging and we are of the opinion that the implementation of the proposed Platform of Surgery Waiting List is possible. The advantages can be summarized in the dynamic interaction between patients and healthcare providers and in the available options that patients could have for faster treatment.