The regional sensitivity barometer evaluates the regional sensitivity of European regions and the regional needs amid the CoViD-19 health and financial crisis. In this paper qualitative and quantitative indicators were combined in European level and then an overall sensitivity index was calculated for each average European region. Demographic, economic, health, tourism-related and CoViD-19 pandemic-related data are taken into account, using differentiated weighting factors. Τhe statistical data used was lastly evaluated on December 31st, 2020 in Eurostat database and processed in order to create the regional sensitivity for every country. The total index highlighted the final ranking between the European regions and formed the basis for the depiction of sensitivity on the European map.
A series of conclusions came up; namely the existence of three groups of European Union (EU) member states in terms of regional resilience amid the CoViD-19 crisis, as well as the extreme sensitivity of regions that later faced significant difficulty in handing the health and financial crisis, such as Portugal, Greece, Italy and the United Kingdom. In addition, Slovak Regions have shown preparedness to health threats. Comparing barometer results becomes clear that the sensitivity of a region is inextricably linked to its course over time, the chronic systemic pathogens and the readiness that has already developed in emergencies.