This privacy policy applies to this website, the content of which can only be accessed by EEMYY members using their password. The privacy policy applies regardless of how you access it (via computer, mobile phone, tablet, TV or other device). We recommend that you periodically check the privacy policy for any changes, as required by law.
We know how important the protection of your data is, we value your trust and make every effort to preserve it. We will never sell, distribute or make public your personal data in any way. Our collection and retention of your information is based on your consent, which you state at the end of the text.
Like most websites, we use Google Analytics (GA) through which your geographic location, device, web browser and operating system are recorded.
Cookies : are small files that store information on your computer, TV, mobile phone, tablet. Cookies improve the user experience and serve many useful purposes, such as e.g. to remember login credentials so you don’t have to enter them each time or to help us understand which of our pages are most popular and useful to our members. However, you can adjust your cookie preferences from your browser (go to the “Help” menu).
Beacons or pixels : are files that are embedded in online content, video, e-mail and allow a server to read certain types of information (eg when you sent us an e-mail or when you viewed certain content of our website).
Social networking – Facebook : EEMYY maintains a closed group of members on Facebook. If you are a member of this group, please note that as far as EEMYY is concerned, what is stated in the “Description” of the group applies. For the Privacy Policy of Facebook Greece, information can be found at
The creation of your account (profile user), as a member of EEMYY and a user of the website, requires the completion of the minimum necessary information for your identification and the certification of fulfillment of the membership registration conditions.
* To maintain the Membership Register of the EEMYY Non-Profit Association.
* For communicating with the Members of the EEMYY and informing them about events, educational actions, developments in the administration, organization, economy and legislation of the Health sector.
* For sending domestic and international scientific journals, articles and research related to the founding purposes of EEMYY and the professional interest of its Members.
EEMYY will not share your information with third parties. However, they may be disclosed pursuant to a mandatory, legal process (such as a search warrant or other court order).
We have taken reasonable physical and technical means to protect your information. All internet traffic (file transfer) between this website and your browser is encrypted and transferred via HTTPS protocol using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). Our SMTP servers are also protected by SSL security protocol and our email communication is encrypted. However, please be aware that no website, no web browsing, no computer system, and no wireless connection is completely secure.
By creating your account you choose your username and password. Visible to us is only the user name of the EEMYY user-member and not his password, which is encrypted. In case of losing your password, you should follow the procedures for obtaining a new one ( ).
With your login you have access to your account and your information, which you can reconfigure/update at any time.
You can also, at any time, request the deletion of your account from the EEMYY website, by sending the relevant request to the following email address .
Our website may post news and generally provide information that is developed on other websites. We are not responsible for the security or privacy of any information collected on third party websites, whose privacy policy you should review.
Members-users agree that they accept the above terms. If you do not agree with our website’s privacy policy, you may not use its content.
All rights reserved